Prodigal Jon is a pastor's kid and advertising person who has a couple of other blogs - that I guess were mildly viewed. But this one - Stuff Christians Like (* fixed link: 4/12/08, 1:12pm) - has caught fire. And for good reason. It's hilarious.
I've spent the last few minutes trying to go through all his posts - he's up to #141 and he only started the blog in January. The reason to read all the old posts are that they are timeless - and true. His topics have been varied, but all skewer the things Christians like, such as - Love Offerings, Saving Seats at Church, and the Side Hug.
Post #139 is about the Choir Side Step Dance, in which he writes:
Choirs invented this move in 1973 when they realized they wanted to dance a little but they didn't have room on the stage. So they came up with this side move so they could still express about 12% of the funk without bumping into each other.This is one of those sites that I know if my sister Tammy had seen it, she would've already emailed a link to me by now. (Check it out, Tam)
Invited readers only allowed on that blog, so I can't look :(
Sorry, bad link. I fixed it to the correct link - 3 f's in stufff.
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