Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Non-Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving!

No, not Happy Turkey Day. The only happy turkeys are...well, you can't be a happy turkey. Either you're dead or you're still a turkey. Not a great choice. The point of the day is not to celebrate turkeys, it's to celebrate know, the giving of thanks.

And it's not just the giving of thanks, but giving thanks to our Creator, our Maker, the One who provides life and all the good things we enjoy.

Like turkey (and dressing and mashed potatoes and football and the Gators and - you get the idea).

To repeat myself, we don't celebrate turkeys, we kill them.

That would also make this a good day to kill the Turkey Spirit. That would be the attitude that doesn't give thanks, that takes things for granted, that complains at everything, that is awed by nothing.

That's the intro to this clip, which is perfect for Thanksgiving, and which I may use the next time I preach about complaining.

(Honestly, this has to be one of my favorite clips ever.)

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