Monday, January 14, 2008


Trudi and I have started teaching a Sunday School class together...the first time we've ever tried to teach an adult class together. I've called it "Wii" (hope I won't get any nasty-grams from Nintendo's lawyers), because it's about relationships...making the two "i's" form one "we".

So far, so good. We had our second week (or is that "wiik"?) and people seem like they will enjoy it. We will be looking at personality types, love languages and other relationship items.

Next wiik Trudi is at the helm. It should be fun.

And we have our own blog for the class. It's the Wii-lationships blog. I forgot to record the class yesterday, but when we do, it will be available as a podcast, too.


shl45 said...

Hey Tim! I was just wondering where you are getting your material for this class? Wish I was in Ft. Myers! Sounds interesting.--Sharon

Tim McDaniel said...

We will be posting our sources and resources on the Wii blog as we go along. Definitely will be using "Love Languages" book.