Sunday, October 7, 2007

Affectionate or Obstinate?

The first league match for Bible Quiz was yesterday. That's a different story. But the drive to Orlando and back gives me time to catch up on some of the podcasts I listen to.

One of those I'm trying to catch up with is Mark Carr's at MyTrueLife. I was listening to the first in his series on the book of Ruth, when I heard this verse.

"And Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, but Ruth clung to her." - Ruth 1:14

Read the chapter and there's no question that both Orpah and Ruth loved their mother-in-law. Much like we love God.

But are we obstinate or just affectionate? Do we only make a show of our love - even if the show is real, genuine and deeply felt - or do we cling to God for dear life?

Orpah was deeply affectionate, deeply moved by the thought of separating from Naomi. Ruth was obstinate, refusing to separate from Naomi.

Is there a point that we accept separation from the presence of God - painful as it might be - because we think we must in order to survive? Or do we simply refuse, no matter what it might cost?

The ending is instructional. Orpah does what she feels like she has to do for herself. She is not mentioned again.

Ruth's determination leads to the mention of her name in the genealogy of Christ.


1 comment:

Trudi said...

I like this! As always, you make me think.